In his captivating and enlightening book, “Light Shadows from a Dark Moon,” author Darius Rocky Collie delves into the painful era of slavery and the relentless oppression endured by people of color in America. From the moment the first ship arrived on these shores, their sole purpose was reduced to servitude, devoid of ownership rights, and stripped of the most fundamental freedoms. Bound by chains and confined to unsanitary living conditions, their lives were marked by unending mistreatment. Despite the lofty words of the Declaration of Independence, proclaiming equality for all, these principles remained elusive for countless years. Within the harrowing backdrop of the Keen Plantation, an emblem of cruelty and injustice akin to others in the state, an extraordinary transformation unfolds on one fateful night. The very fabric of existence undergoes a remarkable shift, forever altering the lives of many. It is within this profound turning point that “Light Shadows from a Dark Moon” unveils its resounding message—an impassioned plea for justice, equality, and the fundamental importance of treating others with kindness and empathy.
Collie’s masterful storytelling weaves a tapestry of emotions, immersing readers in a world of unimaginable struggle and resilience. Through the eyes of his characters, he unveils the harsh realities of the past, confronting readers with the unspeakable atrocities inflicted upon people ofcolor. Yet, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerges—a testament to the transformative power of compassion and the golden rule. Get your copies from Amazon and on Dorrance Publishing Co, to enjoy a truly insightful and entertaining read.
About The Author
Darius Rocky Collie has been a community business owner for more than thirty-three years in Casa Grande and is a six-year Veteran of the U.S. Army Arizona. His hobbies include cartoon drawing, karate, singing, and playing guitar. He also enjoys board games, Keno, and black jack. Collie has been married to his first and only love, Yolanda, for thirty-nine years. They have raised three beautiful and successful daughters: Rhoda, Semene, and Perveez. The couple has three grandsons. Collie has traveled all over the world, where he has seen so much bigotry, hatred, and prejudice that it hurts him. He hopes this story will shed some light on those who hate for no apparent reason.
Book Name: Light Shadows from a Dark Moon
Author Name: Darius Rocky Collie
SKU Number: 978-1-6495-7288-2
Ebook Version: Click Here
Paperback Version: Click Here
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