Arizona, United States – The Newman’s Tales, a series composed by Lynn F. Austin, shares the exciting adventures of Newman, the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier, who was rescued several times before finding his fur-ever home with his fur-ever mom. The series offers lessons for readers based on the adventures of the rescued dog who endured traumatic life events before his adoption. In the new release, Never Judge a Book – My Fur-Ever Friends, the author brings to life a story of a time when Newman experienced judging others before getting to know them in a way that guides, motivates, and inspires.
Even though the book is written for children, parents, grandparents and others can enjoy reading and sharing this universal message to readers of all ages.
As with the other books in the series, Never Judge a Book, records Newman’s adventures in an effort to teach, motivate, and inspire others, and along the way, help other dogs find their fur-ever home, just like he did.
Through the Newman Tales, the author conveys a message to readers that even the ugliest things can be transformed into something beautiful.
“The book is based on true accounts and narrates about a beginning in the life of Newman and while 2020 was bad for many, turned out to be a lucky one for the cutie-doggo, who finally found his fur-ever home,” shares Author of the Newman Tales.
Furthermore, the author promotes adopting rescue dogs and helping them find their fur-ever home.
The incredible story of Newman takes the reader on his journey of struggles surviving the meat trade industry in Taiwan, to adoption and surrendered to the Human Society where he was scheduled for euthanasia, to being saved, nurtured and cared for by the no-kill dog rescue agency, 2DaResuce, and now to his adoption into his forever home.
“With the Newman Tales, I seek to elucidate Newman’s “despite bad things, beautiful things happen” attitude, donate to 2DaRescue for saving Newman’s life, and hopefully help other dogs find their fur-ever home,” says Lynn Austin.
To learn more about Newman, follow him on social media or get information on other volumes in the series, click on the website
Media Contact
Company Name: Austin Group Consulting
Contact Person: Lynn F. Austin
Email: Send Email
Phone: 480-442-3496
State: Arizona
Country: United States