Voice actor Keoki Trask reprises the character of Valkyrie for the 9th installment in the GTA6 series titled The Heir of Scorpio. The UK-based production spearheaded by series producer Matthew White, written by JJ Ralph, directed / co-written by Sam Main and featuring the work by the production team at KnightHunter Studios brings back the fan favorite Agent 11 which releases worldwide on July 30th, 2021.
“With Black Phantom, the previous entry in the Agent 11 franchise, Keoki Trask delivered an iconic performance as ‘Valkyrie’, bringing the character to life and making it his own.” says Sam Main, Director and Co-Writer.
“What he has managed to do with the character in the follow up, The Heir of Scorpio, is nothing short of breathtaking… he has re-energized the character of Valkyrie once again, whilst bringing a grounded, real, emotional, and hard-hitting performance. Coupled with his enduring professionalism throughout all stages of the production, Keoki has been an absolute star to work with!”
Keoki Trask is an American film and voice actor / voiceover talent. Often cast as a brooding anti-hero actor in both film and animated series, Keoki Trask performs a wide range of sci-fi, horror, drama, action, and comedy characters for film, TV, video game, and podcast productions around the world.
Visit www.KeokiTrask.com to learn more about the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds actor.
Media Contact
Company Name: KeokiTrask.com
Contact Person: Keoki Trask
Email: Send Email
Phone: 470.670.1601
City: Atlanta
State: Georgia
Country: United States
Website: KeokiTrask.com