Hailing from small town of Bihar, Rohit Mehta booming with his marketing skills and splendid digital service in the digital marketing world. After completing his graduation from Patna University, he start searching for a job but did not getting an good opportunity and after few days he got to know about Information Technology. So, he decided to get into the field and completed his Master Degree in Computer Science from government approved University.
His attachment for Internet was started early when he purchased his first computer. While most of the youth of his age using social media for fun and watching movies but he has his own plan. He use to search valuable content and how to make many online then he came to know about blogging and digital marketing. Due to his enthusiasm and zeal of self learning he started from free sources available on internet about WordPress and blogging. In the year 2015 is launched is first news niche blogging website and never turned back. With this website he enhances his technical skill and launched different niche website and generated millions of traffic.
After managing different niche website he became well known and inspiring entrepreneur in Digital Marketing Industry. He has written six e-books on Digital Marketing and Blogging in both English and Hindi. His books are available on all major platforms like amazon, google books and more. His books helped many digital marketer aspirants to become expert within very short span of time.
After his huge success of his websites and books several brand owners and corporate houses approaches him for digital marketing consultation which he helped and given them huge success in their sale and marketing.
He met an unexpected success on digital marketing and SEO vision brought him on the same road to skyrocketing success. He decided to launch a digital marketing venture and came up with a full service digital marketing enterprise, digitalgabbar.com.
Rohit Mehta launched his digital marketing agency digitalgabbar.com in pandemic, when every organisation was cutting employees or firing their employees. His motive for establish his digital services is to provide best services but also help Indian Youth to give them a path to learn blogging and earn online.
Media Contact
Company Name: Digital Gabbar
Contact Person: Rohit Mehta
Email: Send Email
City: Delhi
Country: India
Website: digitalgabbar.com