At Birth Discovery, Kong Choon Yen, a Certified HypnoBirthing Educator, Singapore,appreciates that stress can hinder women’s labour progression, making it a commonplace to fall back into a cascade of medical intervention. However, by holding HypnoBirthing educational classes, she has found that this original Hypnobirthing Singapore technique helps reduce the fear in women giving birth and postnatal stress. The success lies in a series of pre-natal classes in Singapore based on the philosophy that birth is normal, natural, and healthy and that no drugs are needed.
Supported by Certified Childbirth Educator Singapore, Ms. Kong Choon Yen uses HypnoBirthing classes to equip couples with a complete birth education programme and teach specific but straightforward self-hypnosis, relaxation and breathing techniques that can help with a better birth.
The techniques reduce the need for any medication and allow women to achieve a calmer, more controlled birth. Hypnobirthing works on the premise that it’s unnatural to have pain when in labour in the first place, and that the root of the problem is fear because everybody ‘knows’ that birth is painful, so people can have a bad experience which moves from mental to physical effects, very quickly.
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The newest 4th edition of HypnoBirthing – The Mongan Method Course textbook complete with CD set, the Rainbow Relaxation CD and class handouts is now available from Birth Discovery. This instinctive childbirth education is taught by Ms. Kong Choon Yen, an experienced Certified HypnoBirthing Educator, Singapore, and a Birth Doula and a HypnoBirth mother herself. She uses the holistic Marie Mongan method of childbirth, which focuses on the whole person approach.
As Marie Mongan, the founder of HypnoBirthing®, once said, “When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change.”
Birthing Expert Kong Choon Yen states, “You should welcome your baby with love, not fear, with confidence, not anxiety, with a preparedness, not helplessness and a dose of delicious calm.”
A happy customer commented,“The more I found out about hypnobirthing, the more it made sense. If breathing and focusing techniques could help keep me so calm that I could reduce the length of labour and avoid pain relief, I couldn’t see a downside to this amazingly simple technique. I read this book and attended a course at Birth Discovery when I was pregnant in Singapore and had the most incredible birth.”
About the Company:
Birth Discovery, Singapore is a unique centre for natural birth services offering HypnoBirthing, Doula services, private consultations, massage therapy, parenthood classes for both the individual and groups. Ms. Kong Chong Yen is the founder of the Birth Discovery company in Singapore. Along with being a HypnoBirthing Educator and a Certified Birth Doula, she often hosts events and workshops and is also the author of several HypnoBirthing courses, CDs, and books, as well as hosting various YouTube channel talks.
Media Contact
Company Name: Birth Discovery
Contact Person: Ms. Kong Chong Yen
Email: Send Email
Phone: (65) 98637867
Address:HypnoBirthing Singapore, 10 Winstedt Rd, Block A, 01-04
City: Singapore 227977
Country: Singapore