The pandemic has affected people’s mental being in different ways. Most people struggle with stress and anxiety, while others fight back with the help of science. To help people manage emotional discomfort, licensed hypnotherapist Mark T. Oliver launches the telehealth service of his private practice in Logan, Utah. This way, he can serve others while taking the necessary health and safety precautions.
Hypnotherapy, or hypnosis as a more popular term, is a form of alternative treatment for various conditions such as stress, anxiety, obesity, pain, and more. This treatment is believed to improve wellness by relaxing the mind, according to
In popular culture, hypnosis is usually portrayed as the act of putting a person in trance to control the mind. People commonly see on TV a hypnotist swinging a pocket clock like a pendulum. His target eyeing the object as it swings back and forth. This notion is different from what hypnosis is.
According to Oliver, a trance state, or an altered state of awareness, is a natural phenomenon. “People can’t maintain 100% awareness all the time. We slide in and out of trance all day long. A skilled hypnotherapist, like Oliver, can guide any person down into deep relaxation,” he said.
He further explained that all hypnosis is a form of self-hypnosis. This means that a person won’t do or say anything that he or she is not willing to happen consciously. Hypnosis is a state of heightened focus and a person under hypnosis will be aware of the surroundings at all times.
Although a hypnotherapist might use the word sleep, the state of mind is quite the opposite. Attention and focus are turned inward, relaxation is deepened, and the mind is acutely aware of the experience under hypnosis, he added.
Thus, hypnosis works through suggestibility. People are suggestible, or in other words, we soak up the ideas that we are presented with like a sponge. Marketing is a multi-billion dollar industry because this principle is true. In hypnosis, we receive suggestions and ideas that sink deep into the powerful subconscious mind. Oliver explained.
Under hypnosis, some clients report that it just felt like their eyes were closed, others report that they have never been so deeply relaxed physically. Hypnosis is very much an individual experience as no two brains, and no two personalities are the same.
Hypnosis is similar to practicing mindfulness as the mind is a powerful tool that can absorb thoughts, may they be negative or positive. And these thoughts can affect our daily lives. Eckhart Tolle, a renowned spiritual teacher, and best-selling author wrote, “Thought can be so seductive and hypnotic that it absorbs your attention totally, so you become your thoughts.” With this, Oliver stresses the effectiveness of hypnosis for therapeutic change.
For more information on Mark T. Oliver, C.Ht, visit Interested clients may also reach him via (435) 279-6036 or (435) 374-4621.
About Mark T. Oliver, C.Ht
Mark has 11 years of experience with hypnotherapy and received his diploma from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in Tarzana, California. He specializes in natural childbirth, pain management, habit breaking, sleep hygiene, fears or phobias, and weight management.
He received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the American Military University in 2020 and works as the Executive Assistant at Synergy Youth Treatment. He served in the United States Army from 2009 to 2015 and served a deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom from 2011 to 2012. He is passionate about his family and loves to serve others.
Media Contact
Contact Person: Mark T. Oliver, C.Ht
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Phone: 1-435-452-1939
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