Although China-Hifi-Audio has products from all major brands, but there are a few companies that sell their products more frequently than others. Some of the best selling brands are Line Magnetic Audio, MUZISHARE, Cayin Audio, Yaqin and PSVANE. Customers often prefer buying products from these companies because of their brand value and the quality of the products. One can purchase high-end amplifiers and other items at cost saving prices at China-Hifi-Audio online store.
The spokesperson of the online store reveals that the Line Magnetic 508IA tube amplifier is one popular product in their stock that is sold very frequently. This class A single ended amplifier comes with several adorable features and which add to its demand. The amplifier comes with a tube cage cover and has a total shipping weight of 43kg. With an operating voltage between 220V and 240V, this amplifier also comes with a remote control for its easy operability. This integrated amplifier is a power amplifier too. The machine features a totally handmade construction and also comes with an awesome appearance because of its graceful back panel. With its 805 output power tubes, the amplifier is capable of achieving a single-ended class A power amplification.
Another Line Magnetic product that finds a place in their best selling list is the Line Magnetic LM-210IA tube integrated amplifier. Available at an affordable price, they ship it without charging any shipping cost. The product has a shipping weight of 31kg and it comes with a tube cage cover and a remote control. With its group pre-in input, this amplifier is a power amplifier too. It features a point-to-point hand welding circuit and a single ended design. All tubes of the amplifier are integrated with 12AX7 input tubes, 310A driver tubes and 300B output tubes. Besides, it also has four pairs of input and speaker terminals on its back panel. The amplifier comes fitted with high quality components, such as Japanese Alps potentiometer and the German n-coupling capacitance.
Besides Line Magnetic amplifiers, the MUZISHARE X7 tube integrated amplifier is one more popular product available in the stock of China-Hifi-Audio. This integrated amplifier is a power amplifier, phono player amplifier as well as a headphone amplifier. The online store has both standard and updated editions of the amplifier in the stock. The updated edition is a little costly, but comes with more power and extended details. It is also available with a tube cage cover and a remote control. With its pure handmade and point-to-point hand welding, this amplifier comes packed with several astounding features. The machine is easy to install with its plug type tube cage cover.
To know more about these popular amplifiers, one can visit the website
About China-hifi-Audio
China-hifi-Audio is an audiophile tube amplifier online shop. The online shop supplies a wide variety of hi-fi vacuum tube stereo integrated amplifier, hi-end CD player, cables, audiophile valve preamp, power amp and speakers. China-hifi-audio sells products from some great Chinese well-known brands, like Line Magnetic Audio, Cayin, MUZISHARE, Music Angel, Yaqin, Meixing Mingda, Qinpu, Bewitch, Shengya, JungSon, LITE, Dussun, Opera Consonance, Shanling, RFTLYS, Bada etc.
Media Contact
Company Name: China-Hifi-Audio
Contact Person: Yong Lee
Email: Send Email
Phone: +86-1371134 6090
City: Guangzhou
Country: China