When a catastrophic event occurs, an individual should not have their financial lives ruined when they’re unable to work. When they hire an experienced personal injury lawyer, they have a better chance of winning their case and for a higher settlement. The attorneys at Guy Levy Law have the experience and passion that a client needs to be successful against an insurance company. The attorneys will seek justice and won’t settle for anything less than a fair settlement. An attorney will guide the victim through the process and prepare for court if the insurance company won’t provide their injuries instead of fighting with the insurance company. The attorney can field any paperwork or fair settlement.
Many cases settle out of court before they go to trial. The benefit of hiring an attorney is that the client’s information will be readily available to the attorney and reduce the chance of missing important deadlines for court proceedings. Hiring an attorney also means the victim can focus on healing from questions and the victim will not have to pay the attorney money out of their pocket. Personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. The only way an attorney is paid for their services is by winning the case. So, feel free to contact https://guylevylaw.com/.
A victim might be eligible to receive compensation for lost wages, pain, suffering, medical bills, and much more. When they visit https://guylevylaw.com/contact/, they will learn more about the cases a personal injury lawyer can represent a victim in. Automobile or truck accidents, dog bites, slip-and-fall accidents, wrongful death case, and many other accidents can cause catastrophic injuries. Some injuries can last a lifetime while other injuries can cause death of the victim. If an individual passes away because of their injuries, a spouse, parent, child, or executor of the estate could file a claim against the negligent party. Besides the medical bills, pain, suffering, a family could receive compensation for future lost wages.
There are various ways a court will calculate someone’s wages when they have passed away from their injuries. The court will consider their current wages, earning capacity, age, current conditions, and other factors. An insurance company will attempt to minimize the individual’s earning capacity to limit the amount of money surviving family members can receive. With an experienced attorney, a family will be successful in winning their claim.
Why Not Any Attorney?
Hiring an attorney who practices general law may not produce the same results as an attorney who is experienced in personal injury law. When talking to an attorney in a consultation, ask about recent cases they’ve handled and look for the results of ones similar to yours. Just as a patient needing their appendix removed wouldn’t go to an oncologist, neither should personal injury victims seek any attorney other than one experienced in the area. It only makes sense. If you’ve been hurt in an accident, trust referrals from other victims or talk to an attorney you know and ask for a recommendation.
Media Contact
Company Name: Guy Levy Law
Contact Person: Owner
Email: Send Email
Phone: (619) 232-9900
Address:9888 Carroll Centre Road Suite 222
City: San Diego
State: CA
Country: United States
Website: guylevylaw.com/