Los Angeles, CA – Oct 16, 2019 – An adult fairy tale à la Edward Scissorhands: ‘Madam Yankelova’s Fine Literature Club’ releases on Amazon Prime just in time for Halloween: https://amzn.to/2IXRvTt.
“The women of the horror-comedy Madam Yankelova’s Fine Literature Club treats men as disposable, and can you blame them?” wrote Pajiba.com.
Directed and written by Guilhad Emilio Schenker (Lavan), Madam Yankelova’s Fine Literature Club (aka ‘HaMoadon LeSafrut Yaffa Shel Hagveret Yanlekova’) is Israel’s first feminist cannibalism film. Based on Yosef Shmuel Agnon’s award-winning novella, ‘The Lady and the Peddler’, and co-written by Yossi Meiri (A Wonderful Day), Madam Yankelova’s Fine Literature Club is a highly stylized gothic drama where love is prohibited and a dark secret lingers over all.
“Madam Yankelova’s Fine Literature Club is a movie unlike any other. If you ask director Guilhad Emilio Schenker, he’ll call it an adult fairy tale à la Edward Scissorhands,” wrote Geekscape.
The multi award-winning dark fantasy, Madam Yankelova’s Fine Literature Club, is a bedtime story for the broken hearted. Following a secret women-only club lead by Madam Yankelova (Leah Koenig, Kadosh) – a club that sacrifices men – the men are rated, slaughtered and cooked into hot dogs. Whoever brings the most attractive man to their weekly Thursday meeting is awarded with a Woman of the Week trophy, and once members receive 100 awards, they are reward the elite status of a Lordess. So when Sophie (Keren Mor,Yom Haem) is just one handsome man away from becoming a Lordess, she begins to fall in love Yosef (Yiftach Klein, 7 Days in Entebbe), as she must choose between her last chance for true love and her commitment to the club.
“Madam Yankelova’s Fine Literature Club effectively combines elements of horror, romance, dark comedy and drama into its unique melange, with Schenker infusing the proceedings with a distinct Tim Burton-style vibe,” wrote The Hollywood Reporter.
ROCK SALT RELEASING has released Madam Yankelova’s Fine Literature Club onto Amazon Prime today, Oct. 16th. Indulge in the dark fairytale trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpaQA2e9MG8.
Alongside Israeli theatrical legend, Lea Koenig (Shitsel, Kadosh), Keren Mor (Parashat Ha-Shavua) and Yiftach Klein (Policeman, Noodle), Madam Yankelova’s Fine Literature Club features a commendable and talented cast including, Alex Ansky (Orchestra of Exiles), Anita Buckshtein (Game of Thrones), Razia Israeli (Schindler’s List) and award-winning Hana Laslo (Free Zone, Plasticine).
MADAM YANKELOVA’S FINE LITERATURE CLUB (2018, 90 min.) Directed by: Guilhad Emilio Schenker. Written by: Guilhad Emilio Schenker, Yossi Meiri. Producers: Marek Rozenbaum, Michael Rozenbaum, Jonathan Rozenbaum. Editor: Yossi Meiri. Cinematographer: Yossi Meiri. Original score: Tal Yardeni. Israel, Hebrew with English subtitles. Transfax Film Productions, Rock Salt Releasing.
PRODUCTION COMPANIES: Transfax Film Productions.
Daisy Hamilton curates artistic, award winning auteur films for worldwide theatrical release. About TriCoast Worldwide: TriCoast Worldwide is a premium international sales agent, representing the best of US and international films at all the major film markets. Sister company to TriCoast Entertainment and TriCoast Studios, the company is located at the Studio facility in Culver City, Los Angeles.
Founded by: Strathford Hamilton and Marcy Levitas Hamilton.
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