03 Oct, 2019 – Pavel Anton attracted mass attention in the film circuit last year with his short film “The Truth.” While he wrote and produced the short, it was his acting that won him plaudits, including the prized IndieFest Best Actor award. Since then, there has been some excitement about his next projects, and Anton is finally back with more. He has announced two short films this year. Both shorts are collaborations with director Jordan Tracka.
Titled “Blind Date” and “My Secret Friend”, the shorts are currently in the post-production mixing stage, with both director and producer/star hard at work to complete the films and prepare them for shows.
“Blind Date” is the comedic one of the two. It involves a fairly simple narrative: a blind date gone horribly wrong. While the premise might be quite standard and cliché, what “Blind Date” actually does is provide Pavel Anton with a movie to let loose and show of his charismatic comedic chops. He plays Jim, a fairly creepy and exuberant man who’s responsible for ruining the blind date with his prudish and inappropriate remarks and jokes.
Co-starring in “Blind Date” is Brookelyn Elizabeth who plays Allie, a nice and straightforward girl looking for a fun time on her date. “Blind Date” offers her a fantastic vehicle to perform as well, and she rises up to the task with subtlety and earnest attentiveness. Tracka doesn’t go heavy-handed on the direction and just lets the comedic situation play out as it is. It’s a fun short film that lasts for just 5 minutes and gives its stars time to have fun and showcase their skills.
Their other project, “My Secret Friend”, is far more akin to “The Truth”. It’s a dramatic movie about differences and conflicts between a couple. It provides Pavel Anton with ample time to showcase his dramatic range. His writing exists simply to let him show off his chops and imbue the screen with the emotion he finds within his character. The short co-stars Juliette Audrey, who gets the less meaty role but still has enough opportunity to show her skills and dramatic side.
Jordan Tracka is more personable in his direction for this short. He focuses on the characters with close-ups, letting them fill the screen with a range of emotions. Moreover, tracking shots of Pavel Anton’s character allows Jordan Tracka to create tension and let Pavel fill the screen at all times. It’s a far more heavy-handed and focused approach when compared to “Blind Date”, and the change feels appropriate for the script’s demands.
Both short films are nearing finish time and the collaborators are excited to screen them for the public.
For more information https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8821487
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Company Name: Pavel Anton
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Phone: 704-648-2151
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Website: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8821487