Clarksville, Maryland, USA – Employees at all levels in the workplace feel undervalued, marginalized and underappreciated in more ways than one. U.S. companies spent $160 billion on employee training and education, yet:
- 58% of managers said they did not receive any management training.
- 79% of people quit their job due to lack of appreciation.
- 77% of organizations report they are currently experiencing a leadership gap.
- Only 10% of CEOs believe their company’s leadership development initiatives have a clear business impact.
- 63% of Millennials said their leadership skills were not being fully developed.
To reverse this disturbing trend, “Leadership With A Servant’s Heart” is a new series of books with you in mind. They will equip the front-line, mid-level and senior-level leaders of small, medium and large organizations, and churches, with practical and proven leadership principles, strategies, facts and real-time examples with the sole purpose of creating a new and dynamic cadre of leaders. Through the subtitle for book #1 – Leading through Personal Relationships – the principle goal is to teach, coach, mentor and share the concepts of leading others by valuing and caring for them. While it is true that “Many will not remember what you say, but most will remember how you make them feel,” the readers of this book will learn the truth of this emotion and how to effect change in their respective leadership styles. When leaders value and care for those that they are entrusted to lead, their influence increases exponentially.
“Leadership With A Servant’s Heart” is systematically divided into three parts, three chapters each, to emphasize the core characteristics of a servant leader – serving, inspiring and leading:
Part I – The Key to Servant Leadership: Serving Others
Part II – The Goal of Servant Leadership: Inspiring Others
Part III – The Result of Servant Leadership: Leading Others
Foreword by: Mr. Ed DeCosta, Founder of EDC University and Author of “Ascend” and “Release Your Superhero” and senior trainer/coach with The John Maxwell Team
Genres: Leadership/Christian Living/Spirituality/Personal Growth/Business/Relationships
ISBN: 978-0-9883038-5-0 /© 2019
Trade Soft cover / 280 pages / Edited by: Fresh Eyes Proofreading and Editing
Retail Price: $24.95 U.S.A. / €22.30 Euro / £19.90 U.K. / $32.70 Canada
Dimensions: 5.5” x 8.5”
Publication date: September 3, 2019
Praise for Leadership with a Servant’s Heart:
“Kevin Johnson has created a valuable resource to accelerate leadership development with a Servants’ heart. His foundation of scripture supported by practical business examples, cases, and models provide a detailed guide for the growth-minded leader.” – Nigel Adams, Owner – Adams Consulting LLC and C12 Group Chair, Washington DC Metro Region; Former Vice President, Customer Service – JetBlue Airways
“It is obvious that Kevin Johnson is a spirit-driven, kind and generous family man, servant of God and leader of men because he has lovingly crafted a book that speaks to those very traits. Quoting Kevin, “leadership is not convenient.” Being a leader and taking on a leadership role is a tremendous responsibility, and a frequent sacrifice. The characteristic of quality leadership is a gift from God and to whom much is given, much is required.” – Joan M. Pratt, CPA, Comptroller, City of Baltimore, Maryland
“Kevin Johnson is masterful in this work. The personal experiences that he shares and the case studies are inspiring and refreshing. If you desire to be a better leader and to help others maximize their leadership potential, this is a must read.” – Reverend Dr. Miki Merritt, Past Presiding Elder of the National Association of the Church of God, W. Middlesex, Pennsylvania
“This book certainly packs a punch, it is loaded with solid statistics aligned with scriptural references. Highly recommended for men and women who want to be successful leaders in any field.” – Dr. Reg Morais, Founder – Anoint the World Ministries, Founder & Senior Pastor – Living Faith Community Church Global, Perth, Western Australia
“I commend to you Kevin Johnson’s latest book, as he describes not only servant leadership theories, but provides practical applications and examples which connect the dots. As the president of a Christian university, and having served as the head of a 60,000 person federal agency (TSA), and Deputy Director of the FBI under Robert Mueller, with over 35,000 employees, I understand and appreciate the importance of those who lead with a servant’s heart.” – Dr. John S. Pistole, President – Anderson University, Anderson, Indiana
“We are all called to serve. Leaders are called to serve above and beyond all others. Pastor Kevin establishes the connection between relationships and service. Lead yourself to this book and expect to grow.” – Dr. Steve Greene, Publisher and Executive Vice President of Charisma Media Group
About the Author:
As Founder and Chief Executive of The Johnson Leadership Group LLC, Kevin provides organizations, and the people who work within them, with the tools to forge effective personnel and interpersonal communication. He delivers training on the elements of dynamic relationships, to equip teams with the attitudes and attributes needed to develop individuals into leaders. He does so through motivating workshops, seminars, insightful keynote speeches and compassionate coaching – all to encourage personal and professional growth.
He is a John Maxwell Team certified trainer, coach, mentor and speaker, and an active member of the International Coach Federation. Kevin enjoyed a 34-year career (retired) in government and private industry as a middle-to-senior level leader. A native of Richmond, Virginia, he earned a B.S. in Business Administration and Management / Economics / Finance from Virginia Commonwealth University. Kevin is an ordained minister by the Church of God Ministries, Incorporated, Anderson, IN, and has held multiple leadership positions at the local, regional, national and international levels, including Senior Pastor. His best-selling book series – Give God the Glory! – earned 19 literary awards from 2001 to 2013.
He authors a weekly blog ( and is the co-host of the monthly radio show ( He currently lives in Clarksville, Maryland, with his wife Gail and three sons.
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