Every medical facility is finding it challenging to stay on top of cleaning needs during the pandemic. Even during “normal” times, properly cleaning Florida’s hospitals, doctors’ offices, pharmacies, and other facilities is far from easy, which means it’s always important to contract cleaning services dedicated to keeping those facilities safe for all users. At AK Building Services, they’ ‘re committed to making sure everyone using an area medical facility doesn’t have to worry about contracting an infection or illness while on the premises.
Understanding the Scope of the Need for Cleaning
The CDC reports that roughly 1 in 20 patients will acquire some type of infection while receiving treatment at a medical facility. Those infections are costly for everyone involved and can result in significant issues for infected patients. In addition, the world is now dealing with COVID-19, which is easily spread in environments that are not properly cleaned. Because COVID-19 is so infectious, every Florida facility has to step up its cleaning protocols to protect patients and caregivers. So, what steps can medical facilities take to minimize the spread of infections and COVID-19?
Keeping Facilities Safe and Clean
There are numerous protocols involved in keeping a medical facility clean, which means it’s important to tailor the cleaning services to meet an organization’s needs. Experts like those at https://www.akbuildingservices.com/ work closely with clients to develop a cleaning strategy to meet the facility’s needs. However, there are basic steps every facility can take to keep staff members and patients safe.
When cleaning, always wear disposable gloves. Clean all surfaces with soap and water followed by a quality disinfectant rated for the space being sanitized.
Clean frequently where areas or furnishings are commonly touched by staff members, patients, or visitors. The more an area is used, the more frequently it must be cleaned to prevent transmitting any types of infections.
Soft surfaces also need regular cleaning. Clean or launder all soft surfaces as needed using the best cleaners available and disinfect those materials.
Routinely clean electronic devices following the manufacturer’s directions. When possible, use wipeable covers that make it easier to clean the devices throughout the day. A quick wipe between users protects everyone.
Of course, unique facilities will require specific strategies for cleaning and disinfecting the building and its contents. Florida cleaning experts recommend reviewing a facility’s needs and developing a carefully crafted plan that meets all appropriate standards. Cleaning all types of flooring, doors and windows, meeting rooms, and even stairway handrails will all be recommended when developing a comprehensive cleaning plan. That’s in addition to cleaning restrooms, office areas, and other rooms in the facility.
Evaluate A Facility’s Needs Now
If unsure of the effectiveness of your current cleaning plan, take the time now to contact AK Building Services for advice. The team of experts is always ready to assist facility management personnel in developing cleaning protocols that work even in today’s COVID-19 environment. They have the staff members and skills needed to take care of all your medical facility’s cleaning needs.
For more information or to schedule an evaluation of your needs, go to https://www.akbuildingservices.com/contact-us/ now.
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Website: https://www.akbuildingservices.com/