It was 1988 and India was a country yet to open the markets for capital investments. It was not just the markets that were closed, though. Parts of the society were still rife with careless taboos and bygone attitudes, infertility being one such area.
An average couple affected by infertility had a misguided impulsive nature to their actions majorly due to lack of awareness – accuse the female for the issue, remarry (in some cases multiple times) with no idea that the male could equally be the one facing the condition, get aligned towards the misguided opinions of babas, fakirs and tantriks. The mental trauma that the females had to go through cannot be weighed in well enough and it was rough.
Around the same time in Udaipur, Rajasthan, Dr Ajay Murdia chose to let go of the comforts of the government employment that were so sought after in those days. Under the name of his wife, Indira, Dr. Murdia started to provide services for couples suffering with infertility from his humble two-room clinic in the same city. In a career spanning across 4 decades in understanding both infertility and the Indian attitudes, one of his brightest milestones should be setting up Indira IVF in 2011. Over the last 9 years, Indira IVF has become a mammoth in the Indian Fertility Industry.
Infertility is a hard circumstance to face. The idea of life is fundamental to marriage and being deprived of it is a heart-breaking experience. Add to this, with the society generally looking down at such instances amplifies the hurt and the couple has to fight the battle all alone. There are mainly two reasons that lead to such trauma – Not knowing that there are ways to solve for it and not having a guiding, non-judgemental soul that could hear their problems out. These problems only amplify as we went deeper into the Indian towns and villages.
The team at Indira IVF has understood the deeper implications of the problem through “Nihsantanta Bharat Choro” Abhyan, they tackled both the problems to a fair extent. They have conducted awareness campaigns that enlighten the affected about the realities of infertility and show potential solutions. The team consequently provided 1:1 sessions with doctors who’d listen to each of the cases and guide them towards a constructive solution. There were more than 1900 campaigns conducted across India. The team has further opened nearly 75 clinics across India and quite a high number of them have based out of tier 2 and 3 cities which in-turn connected the deeper towns and villages.
While awareness is a step in the right direction, there are quite a few things have come together for the couples to sincerely pursue the solutions. Generally, any new technology in the market is priced high. For an average citizen based out of our developing country, the price generally is a deciding factor of whether the solution is worthy enough to indulge in.
The IVF process has two primary reasons for the high cost – medicines and clinical charges. While ensuring the quality of medicines has a direct effect on the outcome of the procedure, IVF centres generally made profit margins by charging extravagant clinical charges. The team at Indira IVF has cut down on such charges and brought down the costs to one-third of the earlier price in 2011 when they started to offer IVF treatment.
Over this, for the money that would be potentially spent, it is only fair for the patients to expect reliable results. Owning a car with an engine that switches on once in every ten tries is not even close to a reliable solution.
The entire fertility industry was grossly undertrained and this showed up in the success percentages that were as low as 25%. The Indira team has set up their own institute to train the in-house doctors, namely Indira Fertility Academy, and provide three-month fellowship courses, breaking the trend of the industry which was not so open about sharing knowledge. This attitude has led to an unprecedented 75% success rates at Indira IVF clinics across India.
While there are many IVF providing clinics cropping up over the years, patients are yearning for assurance of quality and affordability of services. They’d like to understand the science behind their situation and the consequent treatment while they’re at a touching distance from their home. With consistent innovation towards protocols, treatment options and embryology lab, Indira IVF stands on the pedestal of the industry and built a brand that’s reliable, approachable and affordable.
With their constant zeal for excellence, the team continues to aim higher. The team would like to be 150 clinics strong by 2021 in India further spreading its wings. They’re looking out for opportunities outside India too with Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and south east asia some areas of interest.
It has been quite a journey for Dr. Murdia and the team over the past 9 years where their positive impact towards the country the only outshining factor of their impeccable success.
Media Contact
Company Name: Indira IVF
Contact Person: NITIZ MURDIA
Email: Send Email
Country: India