You may probably hear some people say ‘play up on your strengths, and tone down on those weaknesses of yours’. While it may be true when one is focusing on a domain to achieve success (such as a specific sports or language, etc), total success may not be achieved this way.
Total Success is an all-rounder achievement, that is – work on your weaknesses while strengthening your strengths further!
So how did the PES TSMQ Analytics Profiling Assessment and model come to existence?
It all started in 2014 when courseware for individual Personal Effective Skills Quotient was first developed and accompanying trainings conducted. The 5 Quotients of Personal Effective Skills framework was later systematised, with increasing demand for training for each individual skill followed intensely. Fast forward a few years later, with the inclusion of the 6th Quotient and the setting up of & further studies by the World Research Team for Personal Effectiveness & Development (WRTPED), the PES TSMQ Analytics Profiling Assessment has been formalised and established as the official model for total success formula:
– IvQ : Innovation Quotient
– AQ : Adversity Quotient
– TQ : Technology Quotient
– SQ : Social Quotient
– CQ : Charisma Quotient
– EQ : Emotion Quotient
People who go through the analytics profiling assessment will get to know the results of their Individual Quotient Analytics Profile and their Total Success Multi-Quotient (TSMQ) Analytics Profile. The PES TSMQ infographics (diagrams of various profiles of success in various aspects) will then present a social-scientific view, deep insights and fresh perspectives into the behavioral, cognitive, psychodynamic, humanistic and socio-holistic angle of how to achieve success individually. The PES TSMQ Analytics Profile will show a person which 3 Quotients are his or her dominant strengths. Then he or she needs to upskill the other 3 Personal Effective Skills.
In summary, the PES TSMQ lets you –
– understand the PES TSMQ of a successful person
– discover which are your stronger PES Individual Quotients
– decode your PES TSMQ Analytics Profile
– develop further your weaker PES Individual Quotients
– increase your chance for success in life and at work
Personal effectiveness and developmental skill trainings can be customised and conducted in each Quotient skill, or a combination of any. The model’s trainings can be applied to the following 2 Domains and 4 Spheres:
- Northern and Southern Domain: the Sphere of Task Management vs the Sphere of People Management
- West-northern and East-southern Domain: the Sphere of Talent vs the Sphere of Experience
The PES TSMQ courses and workshops can be conducted for any topics pertaining to personal, social, professional and public skills:
• Personal Self-Management in self-motivation, relationship building & management, stress management, personal development, etc.
• Social Self-Management in networking, personal branding, etiquette, communication skills, etc.
• Professional Self-Management in sales, customer service, work productivity, presentation skills, etc.
• Public Self-Management in leadership, team management, public image, business management, etc.
The upskilling experience is further enhanced and supported by a guide book titled ‘The Personal Effectiveness Total Success Multi-Quotient Workbook’ – Discover, Decode & Develop Your Personal Effective Skills for Success Personally, Socially, Professionally & Publicly’.
PES TSMQ Leading World Master Analyst and Training Expert is Joshua Luke, an award-winning internationally-acclaimed global master trainer who has vast professional expertise and years of experience conducting workshops and courses in these areas. He is currently pursuing his Doctoral degree, with his dissertation topic specialising in personal peak performance.
To know more about the PES TSMQ assessment & trainings and/or to contact him for the arrangement of the PES TSMQ training programmes, you can send your email to [email protected] for more information.
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Contact Person: Teddy Tham
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Country: Singapore