The World Egg Bank (TWEB) is attending the annual REI Nursing Congress: Scientific & Therapeutic Approaches to Assisted Reproductive Technology (StartART) from August 2-3 in Baltimore, Maryland.
The annual REI Nursing Congress will be held at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel. Attendees of the summit consist of nursing professionals in the fields of in vitro fertilization and reproductive endocrinology. Lisa Van Paris, Director of Nursing and Clinical Operations, represents TWEB at the event. Van Paris shares, “TWEB feels it is necessary to attend symposiums that keep us educated in the always-advancing field of in vitro fertilization and assisted reproductive technology. Discussing the latest developments and progressions allows us to provide the optimal care for our donors, intended parents, and partnering clinics.”
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The objective of the conference is to present unique and critical updates on the latest advances in scientific and therapeutic approaches to Assisted Reproductive Technology. Speakers will focus on subjects such as advances in stimulation protocols, laboratory procedures, preimplantation genetic screening, and stem cell research. Subsequently, nursing professionals can identify the challenges linked with advanced parental age, assess treatment approaches for endometriosis, evaluate advancement in male reproductive medicine, and apply new measures to improve recurring pregnancy loss.
TWEB’s mission is to provide exceptional egg quality while cultivating personal relationships with their generous egg donors, intended parents, and reputable clinics. TWEB remains prominent in the egg banking industry because of their management of donor recruiting, screening, stimulation, egg retrievals, vitrification, and shipping all from one unique medical facility that focuses exclusively on egg donation. TWEB takes great pride in executing superior quality control in addition to providing high-quality banked donor eggs. TWEB has hundreds of diverse pre-screened donors and thousands of frozen eggs that are readily available for immediate shipment to a recipient’s clinic. TWEB strives to change the world one egg at a time.
Media Contact
Company Name: The World Egg Bank
Contact Person: Caderina Carrizosa
Email: Send Email
Phone: 6026780328
Address:7227 North 16th Street #160
City: Phoenix
State: AZ
Country: United States